98 McAlpine Road, Wychwood, Johannesburg

Category: Local Church News

Witbank Inducts their New Pastor

This last Sunday (18 November 2018) saw the induction of a new pastor, Karl Buchan-Smith, at Witbank Baptist Church.  The church’s  process of finding and calling a new pastor has not been without hitch however, as is often the case, and took over two years to finally find the man of God’s choosing. Karl, who…
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89 Preaching Points in 5 Days

In conjunction with Multi Ministries, some preachers and pastors from the BNA participated in a number of outreaches held in various towns in the North West Province from Friday 18th – Tuesday 22nd September.  Praise God for a number of first time commitments to Christ and numerous stories reflecting a pursuit of Christ in obedience and…
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Revitalising a Declining Church

From the outside, a typical church building will give you very few clues.  But when you walk into the building on a Sunday morning, you’ll very soon have some idea if the church is in decline or is healthy, vibrant and growing. I have had a few requests from churches to assist.  They are concerned…
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Shepherds available…

Sibusiso (“Sbu”Sihle) Mlotsha is what I’d call “a good guy” – that is, he loves Jesus, loves the gospel, has completed his training at Christ Seminary and has a theology that is robust and is contextual (as you can see from the photo)!  He is one of a few guys that is looking to pastor…
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Outreach to North West

Some exciting news… We have been invited by Steve Mann of Multi Ministries (a previous BNA Co-Ordinator) to jointly co-operate in an outreach to North West. This will be entirely church based and we will seek to have as many preachers as we can at as many churches as are open to us in the…
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Revival Conference

Revival Conference “When may a revival be expected? When the wickedness of the wicked grieves and distresses the Christian” (Billy Sunday). On Saturday the 21st and Sunday the 22nd of February 2015 Crystal Park Baptist Church Benoni will host a Revival Conference. Charles de Kiewit from Central Baptist Church Pretoria and Sammy Leballo from Moletsane…
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