98 McAlpine Road, Wychwood, Johannesburg

Month: December 2020

Churches are closed but restaurants and casinos aren’t: Are churches being unduly targeted?

This week on Monday night (28 December 2020) the State President, Mr. Cyril Ramaphosa, declared new “adjusted alert level 3” restrictions which included, amongst many other restrictions that, “All indoor and outdoor gatherings will be prohibited for 14 days from the date hereof, except for funerals and other limited exceptions as detailed in the regulations,…
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Another Translation of the 2017 Statement of Belief

It has always been a concern to have the 2017 Statement of Belief translated into as many languages as we have languages represented in our churches. One of the original mandates of the Theological Forum back in 2016 was that the final statement should have no ‘heavy’ theological terms in order that it should be…
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