Interviewing, calling, contracting and inducting pastors/ elders
These documents all reside under Church Resources – go there.
Pastor’s Code of Ethics
Download the Pastor’s Code Of Ethics document which should be signed by every pastor in order that we should know and affirm what we hold to in our behaviour.
Retirement Fund
Here’s all the information about the retirement fund – Retirement Fund Booklet (2022). Members do not need to be recognised ministers of the Baptist Union to be on the retirement fund.
If you’d like to sign up, here’s the application form
If you’d like to nominate or change your beneficiaries, here’s the form for that
Get a quote (Excel)
Download the guide to help Plan a Great Fraternal
Resource material for elders and eldership training; “Shepherding – the work and character of a pastor” (9 Marks)
Teach Baptist Principles by Powerpoint (pptx file)
Teach Baptist Principles Handout (pdf)
Read Baptists and Church Governance
On 20 February 2017 delegates from a number of BNA churches met at Constantia Park Baptist Church and held a consultation asking probing questions regarding concerns and structure of the Baptist Union and Baptist Northern Association. Here is a Powerpoint of the Results of Consultation
On Monday 18 November 2019, the churches were handed this document in order to assist them in deciding the way ahead for the BNA , whether it should become a network of the Baptist Union, or not.
Download the BNA membership application form