98 McAlpine Road, Wychwood, Johannesburg

Ministry Partners

We are proud partners with a number of Baptist and independent ministries;

Theological Training:

Mukhanyo Theological College: www.mukhanyo.ac.za Kwamhlanga campus 013-9472179, Johannesburg campus 011-3391223, Durban campus 031-0230043, Pretoria Campus 012-0041215, Rustenburg campus 067-8223442

Baptist Theological College: www.btc.co.za 011-8860421


BYSA Summer Camp: www.summercamp.co.za 012-3470171

J-Life Africa (Leadership and Discipleship): www.jlife.org.za 079-6976388

Missions, Outreach and Training:

3D-Outreachwww.3d-outreach.com Rolf Hagemann 011-4254129

Retired Pastors and Widows 

Durbanville Life Trust: www.durbanvillebaptist.com/dbc-life-trust/ 021-9761308.  DLT are the preferred conduit of funding to support our retired pastors and widows. If you are a church looking to assist this fund, visit their website for details.  If you are a retired pastor or pastoral widow, please phone DLT, to ascertain if you qualify for financial assistance.  

“Our big goal has been to find those retired pastors and widows who are really struggling and bring them on so that they have a monthly income that is certain.”

Basil Sparks (Pastor of Durbanville Baptist Church).

Retirement Homes:

CEBACWAS: www.cebacwas.org.za 012-3488860

Children’s Care

Lambano Sanctuary and Paediatric Hospice: www.lambano.org.za 011-6153307

Bethesda Outreach: www.bethesdaoutreach.org 012-7110087

Second Hand Goods:

Hidden Treasure: www.hiddentreasure.co.za 073-6038863