98 McAlpine Road, Wychwood, Johannesburg

Sing Sound Songs

Good theology in churches is heard primarily from the pulpit, but it is augmented and enhanced by the songs sung by a congregation. The pursuit of every good church is robust theology put to music, sung and repeated while doing chores or driving in the car.

Naturally, when it comes to music, personal preference comes into play. We love singing the songs we love. However, we are commanded to make “melody to the Lord with all your hearts” (Eph 5:19) and to “sing to the Lord a new song” (Ps 96:1) and thus, our hymnology and, our preferences, should always be growing.

Here is a list of links to new, regularly updated, sound-theology put to music which we commend to our churches. May it be a blessing to your church too!

Easter 2022

Here’s an Easter playlist of the condescension of the crucifixion and the joyful resurrection. Thanks again to Wrighteous Mike, for the list.

Youtube Music link; https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHwps7z-egtX-uq7Bn99V8LdZRxJbrnRT&feature=share

Apple Playlist link; https://music.apple.com/za/playlist/its-friday-but-sundays-a-comin/pl.u-2aoqPP6cJNXJok

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Below is the Christmas playlist that we shared for Christmas 2021.

Photo by David Beale on Unsplash

Click on the picture above or this link to load up YouTube Music Playlist to fuel your “Christ Centered Christmas.” Sing of Christ this Christmas!

Photo by Puk Khantho on Unsplash

Click on the picture above or this link to load up “Sound Theology” – a YouTube Music Playlist by Wrighteous Mike. Enjoy!