98 McAlpine Road, Wychwood, Johannesburg

Month: July 2020

When do we go back to church and how?

This week I had the privilege of interviewing 6 pastors on the subjects, “When do we go back to church and how?” I asked them five questions; 1. Why go back to church? (09:51) 2. Is it loving? (22:22) 3. What do you do with singing? (27:49) 4a. Is ‘online church’ church? (35:13) 4b. Is…
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Baptists and Scripture

One of the big issues among South African Baptists in the recent months and indeed over many years has been our stand on Scripture. Recently, however, the inclusion of the phrase “without error” in the 2017 Statement of Belief as an attempt to clarify where we had always stood on Scripture has thrown the cat…
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Guiding Baptist Churches towards multiculturalism

Last week I had the opportunity to interview Pastor Darryl Soal who, on 24 July 2020, will become Dr. Darry Soal. Congratulations, Darryl! The reason why I was so keen to chat to him was because I’d heard what topic he’d spent the last few years researching. If you’re involved in a Baptist church, or…
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The Impact of COVID-19 on Pastors and Churches

There is no doubt that life will never be the same after the lockdown of South Africans on 27 March 2020. As I write this, we are still under lockdown 114 days later. How have our pastors and churches been affected? Some members of the BNA Executive discuss how COVID-19 has impacted them personally and…
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