98 McAlpine Road, Wychwood, Johannesburg

Month: October 2020

The Biblical Leadership Structure of the Local Church

It seems that the practice of a church Executive model as the leadership structure of a Baptist church has been ‘The Baptist Way” since Baptists arrived in South Africa in 1820. But is this what the Bible teaches as to how Jesus governs his church? Is an Executive (which typically includes all elders and deacons)…
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The Implications of the Change of the Marriage Act of 2006

There are two Government Acts governing a marriage union in South Africa, the Marriage Act of 1961 and the Civil Union Act of 2006 which was specifically introduced to make provision for same-sex couples to form a legally recognised union.   On 20 October 2020, the Civil Union Act of 2006 was amended under the hand…
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The BNA AGM at last

At long last we are going to meet as churches in two ways, both virtually through Zoom and physically at Eastside Community Church. The day is set for Monday night 16 November 2020 at 5:30pm for dinner at 6:00pm and our meeting at 7:00pm. Register here…

Appreciate your pastor(s)

I’m personally not one for fanfare. But there are moments when we need to stop and say, “Thank you!” Ken Kessler writes, “In 2019, the Barna Research organization along with Pepperdine University introduced a new study called “The State of Pastors.” In this resource, they provide us a research consistency across denominations about how pastors…
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