The Impact of COVID-19 on Pastors and Churches

There is no doubt that life will never be the same after the lockdown of South Africans on 27 March 2020. As I write this, we are still under lockdown 114 days later.
How have our pastors and churches been affected?
Some members of the BNA Executive discuss how COVID-19 has impacted them personally and their churches, both positively and negatively…
Pastor Brian Viljoen; “I miss the people. I miss the Christian embrace. I miss the fellowship and the singing, and the praying. I yearn for that.”
Pastor Jacques Louw; “Church-wise, we’ve experienced …a disconnect – being able to connect with people electronically, but not really getting to their hearts…”
Pastor Parmesh Venkatasami; “The lockdown has enabled people to be more evangelistic.”
Pastor Dan Riddell; “It’s been good not have a manual on the way forward. I think as churches we tend to try to look at ‘Ok, this is the how we do it!’ And I think we’re all navigating uncharted waters…”
Read more about the legislation and the advice from the BNA to our churches at each stage.
I miss the people. I miss the Christian embrace. I miss the fellowship and the singing and the praying. I yearn for that.