G3 The Imperative Life of a Christ Follower
Can you imagine what your church would be like if your primary focus was making disciples? That is much deeper and more personal than simply making converts. Disciple making is life on life. It means spending time learning together, being involved in life, and building a friendship that is ever-expanding to impact others. Discipling someone is offering them a relationship that is Christ-centered, growing and multiplying mission. This material is designed to encourage you to weave together Bible study, small group interaction, and hands-on mission involvement. As a church or small group interacts during the week focusing on a spiritual truth that creates a pathway to discipling. “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17
This is a ten-week personal and small group study on the ten distinctives of a Christ follower. It includes discovery Bible lessons each week around one distinctive and it is designed that a disciple will meet weekly with those he/she is discipling to talk more deeply about what God has revealed during the week.
The goal is to help you start something that becomes part of your DNA so that discipling is as natural as breathing and affects everyone in your life.
Download “G3 The Imperative Life of a Christ Follower” also called “Africa on Mission” here. This material is meant to be read in triads, or groups of three, who in turn, during or on completion, then run groups of their own and so on.
FOF – Fundamentals of the Faith
The Fundamentals of the Faith course is a popular, thirteen week, basic Christian doctrine course covering an introduction to the Bible, how to know the Bible, God – His character and attributes, the person of Jesus Christ, the work of Christ, salvation, the person and ministry of the Holy Spirit, prayer, the church, evangelism, obedience and God’s will and guidance.
This course is ideal to help new believers navigate their way through the basic doctrines of the Christian faith.
The material is a DIY bible study with a question and answer format with the answers being found in the Bible verse attached to each question.
Excellent material!