98 McAlpine Road, Wychwood, Johannesburg

Month: January 2016

Getting a Great Pastor’s Fraternal Going

I have had the privilege of being involved in a number of pastors fraternal meetings. The following four elements are a summary of what I’ve found to work best. The Preparation of the Pastors Fraternal Every good fraternal meeting needs a great co-ordinator. This person is the admin-heavy guy who simply puts the email list together…
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10 Observations from a Concerned and Convinced Baptist

We Baptists are in decline There is no doubt that we are experiencing the waning of much that is bundled in the word ‘Baptist.’  Statistically, attendance is down, conversions are down, baptisms are down, memberships are down, funds are down.  And this fits with the anti-denominational, anti-church, anti-institutional, anti-commitment trend prevalent across the world.  Last…
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