98 McAlpine Road, Wychwood, Johannesburg

Witbank Inducts their New Pastor

Witbank Inducts their New Pastor

This last Sunday (18 November 2018) saw the induction of a new pastor, Karl Buchan-Smith, at Witbank Baptist Church.  The church’s  process of finding and calling a new pastor has not been without hitch however, as is often the case, and took over two years to finally find the man of God’s choosing.

Karl, who has served with Campus Crusade, then as a missionary, graduated from Christ Seminary and was serving as an elder alongside Chris Wooley at Midrand Chapel when the call came.  He is married to Erika and have two daughters, Kayra and Grace.

While the pastoral position was vacant many assisted in preaching and helping guide the call committee, including Pastor Rocky Stevenson, then pastor at Middelburg Baptist, Pastor Ian Stuart while he was the BNA area representative for Pretoria, Pastor Mark Penrith, Lance Laughton as Area Co-Ordinator and many preachers assisting to fill the pulpit Sunday by Sunday – thank you to all of you!  Thanks too to John Griffiths, the chairman of the call committee and each call committee member – “through many dangers, toils and snares!”

May God’s grace abound to Witbank Baptist as they celebrate a new chapter.

You can view a brief video of the induction here.



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