The Way Ahead

Firstly, to the many churches that have given sacrificially even over many years, “Thank you!” We appreciate your partnership in the work of building Christ’s Kingdom through your gifts and involvement.
My first intention in this initial period, with the BNA Executive, is to establish. We have an excellent Executive – men of integrity and who have a significant concern for the health of Baptist churches (you can see who they are here). We are convinced that our first task is to ensure that we have a clear and workable structure that encourages growth in the future. Thus, we have approved a financial policy document and a new constitution has been tabled at the last BNA meeting. We ask that all churches would acquaint themselves with the new constitution that has been circulated to the BNA Executive churches (click here to see a copy). We will be discussing it and voting on its acceptance at our AGM meeting in June. Please schedule this for discussion at your church now such that delegates come prepared. In a word, the primary change in the constitution is ‘regionalism’ such that each of our 4 provinces have proportional representation on the BNA Executive through a regional body. Please note also the modified statement of belief which clarifies our Baptist understanding of Scripture which has been a point of debate in this last year and I believe goes further still in helping us better understand what we believe on Scripture. We are hoping this will be a great help to many churches and an assistance in teaching this.
At the same time, and especially as we move ahead, we need to extend. Last week the Bosberaad met and then relayed their thinking to the BU Executive and will present, in due course, a concept for the restructuring of the BU and Associations. We in the BNA have not waited for this to conclude, and indeed it has been a discussion point for many years now and may yet take some time. All the while, our churches are in need and even some in disarray. Thus we are requesting all Baptist churches to apply for full membership or fellowship status with the BNA and to do that now.
Lastly, in order to establish and extend, you as a local church can enable this process in two ways.
- I ask that you would pay your membership fee (R600 per annum). There are many churches that are in arrears on this necessary aspect of ownership and belonging. Please make amends and you can contact Belinda in the office each week day morning on 083-444-9936 to rectify this or enquire as to your church’s standing.
- I appreciate that funds in a church are rarely in great supply and that a church must exercise cautionary stewardship, however, the reality is that the BNA cannot survive on membership fees alone. So, my last appeal is to for you to share the financial load with many other churches in giving beyond membership fees alone, as the Lord has blessed you. Your gifts will be used with great care and transparency.
The BNA’s bank account details are; FNB, Current account, Branch code: 250841, Account Number: 51391139785