98 McAlpine Road, Wychwood, Johannesburg

Tag: Covid-19

The Necessity of Re-establishing Community

With the ease of lockdown and many churches re-initiating corporate gatherings, the primary task that lies before the church, and particularly her leadership, is the necessity of re-establishing community. What do I mean by the phrase ‘re-establishing community?’ I think churches have largely taken ‘together being-together’ for granted. Oh, yes, we congregants knew it was…
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When do we go back to church and how?

This week I had the privilege of interviewing 6 pastors on the subjects, “When do we go back to church and how?” I asked them five questions; 1. Why go back to church? (09:51) 2. Is it loving? (22:22) 3. What do you do with singing? (27:49) 4a. Is ‘online church’ church? (35:13) 4b. Is…
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