98 McAlpine Road, Wychwood, Johannesburg

Tag: South Africa

The Necessity of Re-establishing Community

With the ease of lockdown and many churches re-initiating corporate gatherings, the primary task that lies before the church, and particularly her leadership, is the necessity of re-establishing community. What do I mean by the phrase ‘re-establishing community?’ I think churches have largely taken ‘together being-together’ for granted. Oh, yes, we congregants knew it was…
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The Biblical Leadership Structure of the Local Church

It seems that the practice of a church Executive model as the leadership structure of a Baptist church has been ‘The Baptist Way” since Baptists arrived in South Africa in 1820. But is this what the Bible teaches as to how Jesus governs his church? Is an Executive (which typically includes all elders and deacons)…
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Baptists and Scripture

One of the big issues among South African Baptists in the recent months and indeed over many years has been our stand on Scripture. Recently, however, the inclusion of the phrase “without error” in the 2017 Statement of Belief as an attempt to clarify where we had always stood on Scripture has thrown the cat…
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South African Baptists on the Inerrancy of the Bible

February 2019 Introduction One of the key issues around the discussion of a new statement of faith for the Baptist Union of South Africa is around the issue of the inerrancy of the Bible. What is inerrancy and why is it important? Inerrancy is the view that the Bible, in its original manuscripts, is without…
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Getting a Great Pastor’s Fraternal Going

I have had the privilege of being involved in a number of pastors fraternal meetings. The following four elements are a summary of what I’ve found to work best. The Preparation of the Pastors Fraternal Every good fraternal meeting needs a great co-ordinator. This person is the admin-heavy guy who simply puts the email list together…
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