What has the Co-Ordinator been doing the last month?
1. Finishing – the task of finishing well at Wychwood Baptist has not been as clean cut and as easily negotiated as I had imagined and hoped. Laying aside and picking up has required some adjustments and honest conversations and even apologies as relationships and trust are crucial in God’s Kingdom.
2. Thinking – changing gear has required a lot of thought. The questions “where, when, how and why” have not yielded their answers easily.
3. Praying – My regular cry has been, “Lord, grant me wisdom that I may do what You would have me do.” Please pray with me.
4. Meeting – I have met many new people and some familiar ones and love the times of interaction. I look forward to being among God’s people in small groups and in large.
5. Preaching – I have preached in 3 churches that I have never preached in before since starting and love it! It is a huge blessing to open God’s Word with His saints.
6. Structuring – The BNA Executive has been hard at work writing a new Constitution envisioning a plan for regionalisation and have produced something that we are rather proud of and hopeful will lead to a new look BNA!
7. “Halving” – we are moving to a smaller home has required a thinning out of my library and a re-distribution of things that we just don’t need. Our eldest has moved to an apartment and so even our family is reduced. We miss her very much.
8. Driving – the BNA office is up and running at BU House and I travel 50km to work 3 days a week. This is necessary in order to re-establish office systems and to give us a common base of operations.