Baptists and Scripture

One of the big issues among South African Baptists in the recent months and indeed over many years has been our stand on Scripture.
Recently, however, the inclusion of the phrase “without error” in the 2017 Statement of Belief as an attempt to clarify where we had always stood on Scripture has thrown the cat among the pigeons.
This has led a number of churches to adopt the 2017 Statement of Belief as their own as did we as an association of churches.
Recently, in order to clarify matters for the members of Scottburgh Baptist Church, Pastor Ian Stuart and I discussed why is there a need for a new statement of belief and what does this clarification mean.
Here’s our discussion…
0:00 Introduction
5:30 Are we being unique in making a stand regarding Scripture?
6:20 What does the inerrancy of Scripture mean?
11:35 Are we being unique as Baptist Christians in making a stand regarding Scripture?
13:50 Are Scriptures the final revelation of God to man? Does God not still speak today?
20:40 How do we resolve different interpretations of Scripture?